Sunday, March 13, 2011

Consciousness in Today's World Events

Three earthquakes, all within the same week, culminating in a massive tsunami and billions of dollars in property damage, and now the spectre of looming nuclear disaster ... I stared in utter shock at watching the apocalyptic scenes on YouTube of what appeared to be the end of the world in northern Japan on Friday, as the massive sea wall picked up everything in its path – houses, cars, boats – and just tossed them asunder like toys. Civilization, it seemed, was being inundated not by just water, but with an event that requires everyone – participant to observer – to take a much deeper look at what is truly of value in life. What was once something you only saw in a Hollywood movie (but eerily reminiscent of the 2004 Asian quake), coupled with all the protests going on in the Middle East … One could reasonably surmise: the earth is going to Hell in a hand-basket.

Or is it?

Somewhere in all this lies a message of compassion, camaraderie, and recognition of our union with the rest of humanity. Religious background doesn’t matter; geographical location doesn’t matter. In these massive uprisings, incredible psychic events are unfolding. I don’t mean ‘psychic’ as in paranormal ESP stuff, I am referring to the dynamics of the event and how it shapes the psyche of everyone involved and how it may be an outer result of inner strivings – which includes all of us. Though we are not smack right in the middle of rebels being blasted by tanks and aircraft, or seeing the foundation of our lives being shaken by the rippling earth and then dragged out to sea, I for one cannot help but be affected in many ways by these events. Consciousness is engaged in something awesome and powerful through the eruption of these circumstances, all clustered at this time. To what the ultimate outcome will be, I cannot begin to speculate.

At times like these, when seeing so many lives and lifestyles challenged (and in many cases broken) we always grapple with the unanswerable question: Why? To try and pinpoint or imagine a single logical explanation for such devastation and turmoil is simply impossible, as each person frames their reality uniquely unto themselves. Though each person may be involved in the same outer event – such as a massive earthquake, tsunami, or political revolution – the overall meaning and dynamics of the events will carry a unique perspective and response by each individual. However, there does seem to be an overt message being played out upon the earth: our sense of communion with each other; one that does require us to have more love and compassion than what we have heretofore ever known. Those in the Middle East are screaming for it from their governments and other Middle Eastern neighbors; and now those along the Pacific, starting from New Zealand going all the way to Japan and beyond.

In watching these worldwide events unfold over the last few weeks, I have become acutely aware of how trivial my own problems seem in the face of what much of humanity is dealing with elsewhere in the world. When I hear news of the stock market crashing at 200 or 300 points and investors are worried, I cringe. Not for the fear of the value of money, but rather because the devaluation, in my opinion, is pointless in comparison to what others are going through at this very moment. Is it really that important if Starbucks shares rose or fell while a family in Japan races to cope with witnessing the destruction of their livelihoods? As they see their future dreams and sense of security completely destroyed? Or those friends and families in a foreign land, regardless of their hatred for the West, battle for a sense of freedom – not knowing if they will even be alive to experience it?

Even with the downturn of the economy and many struggling on unemployment, and then factoring in the raging snowstorms that halted the Eastern US throughout the winter in several states, and now the political battling and crippling earthquakes elsewhere across the globe, the message is clear: Consciousness is crying out to reveal that we’re all connected. It’s not “all for one or one for all” but rather “all for all.” It appears on the surface that every person is single and distinct – and in many ways we are, mainly mental in our psychological framework – yet we also know that beyond that framework, consciousness is a unified mass. Just review some of the research of the Global Consciousness Project and you will see a glimpse of that. Is that unified mass being informed from within to create these events to express a much greater purpose or revelation in the outer world?

We cannot say what the ultimate outcome is going to mean individually for everybody when these circumstances arise … From the direct participant to the far-off observer … But I believe it will be something that is in direct relation to what each of us have been asking for – which is not pain, suffering, and death – but a chance to really engage in the deeper aspects of life; to encounter those deep portions of our beings and move in directions which only a mass event like what we have been witnessing can do. For some, the catalyst for this kind of inner engagement is to be a direct participant in the turmoil; for others, just being an observer will strike the areas in that individual’s consciousness that they have been working on (either consciously or unconsciously).

On a planet inhabited by nearly 7 billion people, our consciousness is starting to reveal itself on a grand scale. With 7 billion minds locked together – an ocean of collective consciousness energy – the dynamics are being played out all over the globe. All for all. Compassion. Understanding. And perhaps even other aspects we have not yet considered. We often ask ourselves: who am I? Why am I here? What am I capable of? The ramifications of these events provide a plethora of answers.

The portion of consciousness alive on the planet right now – this time and this place – is revealed in the minds and hearts of every individual – again 7 billion. And the events speak to what the nature of our overall consciousness is about, on many different levels, and what it is seeking.

In the realm of metaphysics, physical events come at the bottom of the scale – everything begins as a stirring of energy in consciousness. This becomes evident as events are revealed precognitively in dreams, intuitions, or bold inner feelings before the disaster strikes. And these premonitions can occur days to weeks to months in advance. That means on some level, everyone is given information about what is physically coming down the road, and the inner being of the individual either heeds the warning or ignores it – that is, they participate directly or through observation. There may be legitimate internal reasons why someone would choose to flee or choose to stay. Most often, this is not for the ego mind to decide or figure out (though some premonitions directly address that portion of the self), but rather that portion which understands our greater strengths and abilities, just below the threshold of the ego, which directly engages the spirit in the evolution of its life and expression.

Some may dread what is happening in the world. Some may cry “It’s the biblical end times!”

However, in the greatest turmoil also lives the greatest seed to a much brighter life of understanding and expression; of engaging a person’s soul and expanding it to levels before unknown. Sometimes that greater seed cannot be sprouted without the germination of certain events; a message cannot be revealed without first reading all of the words strung together.

Is it the end of the world? Or the steps to a new beginning?

Without a doubt, with the collective consciousness of 7 billion people … You can definitively say we are living in interesting times ...

Meanwhile, my heart and spirit go out to the people in Japan and the people in the Middle East, and to everyone else in the world.


  1. Obviously written from the heart and well said. This shows just how passionate and genuine you are towards your pursuit for higher consciousness for everyone! Thanks for sharing, Carol

  2. That was a really well written post! I love the way you write and the perspective you take. Very heartwarming and uplifting. I really enjoyed it =)

    It was hard to pick a single section that I liked most, but these two were great. I love the playfulness with words and concepts:

    "Somewhere in all this lies a message of compassion, camaraderie, and recognition of our union with the rest of humanity. Religious background doesn’t matter; geographical location doesn’t matter. In these massive uprisings, incredible psychic events are unfolding. I don’t mean ‘psychic’ as in paranormal ESP stuff, I am referring to the dynamics of the event and how it shapes the psyche of everyone involved and how it may be an outer result of inner strivings – which includes all of us. Though we are not smack right in the middle of rebels being blasted by tanks and aircraft, or seeing the foundation of our lives being shaken by the rippling earth and then dragged out to sea, I for one cannot help but be affected in many ways by these events. Consciousness is engaged in something awesome and powerful through the eruption of these circumstances, all clustered at this time. To what the ultimate outcome will be, I cannot begin to speculate."


    "In the realm of metaphysics, physical events come at the bottom of the scale – everything begins as a stirring of energy in consciousness. This becomes evident as events are revealed precognitively in dreams, intuitions, or bold inner feelings before the disaster strikes. And these premonitions can occur days to weeks to months in advance. That means on some level, everyone is given information about what is physically coming down the road, and the inner being of the individual either heeds the warning or ignores it – that is, they participate directly or through observation. There may be legitimate internal reasons why someone would choose to flee or choose to stay. Most often, this is not for the ego mind to decide or figure out (though some premonitions directly address that portion of the self), but rather that portion which understands our greater strengths and abilities, just below the threshold of the ego, which directly engages the spirit in the evolution of its life and expression."
